Monday 5 November 2012


Just got an email from Mike King talking to us about the nationals coming up in April of next year at the Hutt Club (which I am a member of) so I'm defiantly in on the three days (8 Games) of wargaming. Well, after five games I end up feeling like crap and once I get home from a tournament I usually just end up falling a sleep so I'll be sure to stack up on sugar and energy drinks for sure. But it got me to thinking about lists. They also raised the bar making the cap at 2500pts giving me another 100 to play with but nocking down warmachines to only four :(. I tell you, when ever I have spare time, I am constantly thinking 'aboot' lists, tactics and way to beat people.... *cough*...SAM! I have got two lists worked out.

Runesmith, Scroll, Stone, Shield-102
Thane, BSB, Gromril, Resistance, Challenge-165
40 Warriors, Std, Mus-415
40 Warriors, Std, Mus-415
36 Hammerers, Std, Mus-450
36 Hammerers, Std, Mus-450
Cannon, Forging, Burning-130
Cannon, Forging-125
Organ Gun-120
Organ Gun-120

Runesmith, x3 Scroll, Shield-147 (HAHA!)
Thane, BSB, Gromril, Resistance, Challenge-165
Dragon Slayer, Rune of Speed, Rune of Fire-60
Dragon Slayer-50
Dragon Slayer-50
40 Warriors, Std, Mus-415
15 Rangers, Crossbows, Great Weapons, Mus-215
36 Hammerers, Std, Mus-450

36 Hammerers, Std, Mus-450

Cannon, Forging, Burning-130
Cannon, Forging-125
Organ Gun-120
Organ Gun-120

The second list is more flexible in the sense where I can chuck some unbreakable single models at some chaff or some big str 3 hordes that can only get 6 attacks on to them. But the other list is more sturdy and can hold better (both lists can do that pretty well but another block of 40 warriors sorta takes the cake in the category). I'm also starting to go with just double cannons and double organ guns instead of the all or nothing double GT's + Master Engineer, saves me points are more reliable in taking out monsters and key units.

Now, back to thinking about Vermintide and how I'm going to make this 1200pt list kick some ass!

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